True stories and teachings that reach the heart
The Call to Evangelize
One day, I walked into the Bloor subway station, located at Bloor and Yonge, in downtown Toronto, where I was working at the time. The Holy Spirit immediately spoke to me and said, "
Read More Operating in Genuine Spiritual Authority, Part 2
A famous preacher of the gospel once said the following about another famous preacher of the gospel: "Do you really think God would perfor..
Read More The Importance of Home Groups in Overcoming Satanic Forces
"So, Dan, how are you feeling?" "Lousy, Paul," I said. "I'm disturbed. Distraught. Something in me is not right." Yes, I was feeling absol..
Read More A Vision for Canada
One day, the Lord told me to take a step in a certain direction. It was just one step he told me to take. And then he said, "The Spirit of God is moving in that direction." I quickly ran t..
Read More The Destitute Woman
My wife said to me, "I had a dream about you crossing the road. A bus was coming, and you put out your hand so it would stop." I took the dream to be a warning from God, because we live on..
Read More Craziest (Prophetic) Day Ever
So you think you had a crazy day? My crazy day started in the morning, before I even woke up. I had a dream. I saw something like a roller coaster ride inside a tunnel, and there was dange..
Read More The Auto Mechanic
One day, I was driving from the west end of the city, to the east end. Suddenly, I felt the Lord say, "Stop. There is something you need to do." So I stopped my car on the road, and took o..
Read More The Revealer of Mysteries
Do you believe God is a God who reveals mysteries? On Tuesday, April 26, 2016, I had a dream. In the dream, I met a man named Sebastian in an intimate place. I knew this place was intimate..
Read More Authority in the Heavenlies
Deep trouble and deep distress came upon me. It was one of those times when I felt very troubled in my mind, as though something was bearing down on me - an outside force, that is.
Read More Is Prophesying for Today?
Within Christendom (that is, among Christians), there are a variety of sorts. There is the sort that prophesies, and there is the sort that does not. There is the sort that says, "
Read More God of All Wonders!
If you are a technically-minded person like I am, chances are you are going to be very interested in this article. This article contains numbers that God gave me in a dream, and how these ..
Read More Pure Words
Around 1993, I was shoveling snow in my driveway. I became agitated, and used God's name in vain. I had rarely done that. In fact, I don't ever remember using God's name in vain prior to t..
Read More Why Does God Perform Miracles?
I would like to present you with some miracles that have occurred in my own life, and ask you whether or not you would personally categorize them as miracles. Perhaps you would, and perhap..
Read More Man Who Wanted to Become Muslim Scholar, Discovers Christ
I am new in faith. I am a Christian now. I live in Iraq. I am a Kurd. I used to be a Muslim and studied Islam and Arabic language for a lo..
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