Craziest (Prophetic) Day Ever

So you think you had a crazy day? My crazy day started in the morning, before I even woke up. I had a dream.

I saw something like a roller coaster ride inside a tunnel, and there was danger, and it related to my wife’s place of work — a residence for the elderly, where she worked as a health care provider. Then, I found myself standing right in front of a man who had the title, “Executive Director,” and I boldly said to him: “This place is unsafe! People could die! If the government of Ontario health agency were to examine it, they would close it down in a second!”

Then, I woke up, and said to my wife, who was right beside me, “Honey, I just had a dream. I blasted this guy at your work place who had the title, “Executive Director,” and told him that it was unsafe, and that people could die, and that if the government health agency were to examine it, they would close it down in a second. Is there someone there with that title?”

My wife responded, “Yes. I was very angry with him yesterday and told him the place was unsafe.”

Well, that settled that!

There were indeed issues in that place, and my wife had basically said to him what I had said in the dream!

Was I supposed to blast him, too? Not a chance. I had merely seen myself do that, because my wife had done it, and the Lord wanted me to know, and pray about it. So this became a prayer burden for me. But what type of prayer burden was it, really? Well, I prayed about it. I prayed that the issues that needed to be addressed would be addressed by the Executive Director. Then, I went about my day.

My job was to help my wife, and to pray, so that her words to the Executive Director might have more impact. What more was there to do? From breakfast to about 4:00 pm, I went about my regular business, which was not “spiritual,” per se. I did not pray, or fast, or anything of that nature. I just worked like any other person would, at their regular day job. I did not take this dream to be anything other than a call (from God) to pray for my wife’s workplace, and for the Executive Director.

At about 4:00 pm, I suddenly felt as though I might “perish” (to use hyperbole) without going swimming. I use this word “perish” in an exaggerated manner, but really, everything in me suddenly felt like I desperately needed to get some exercise, or I was going to surely and profoundly regret it.

The feeling was very strong and very pronounced. I couldn’t avoid it, so I quickly called up the pool to find out when the next swim was. It was right now.

I was off in a flash. This “feeling” that I was suddenly feeling was the typical “really bad” feeling that meant I needed to get some exercise. I knew this feeling. It was the feeling I got when I had not gone swimming in a week. But it was so dramatic and came on me in a flash.

Evidently, I was overdue! I needed to get going quickly. I made my way quickly to the swimming pool. I got in the pool and swam just four lengths! When I had not even finished the fourth length, the Lord spoke to me. Somehow, I knew the Lord was saying, “You have swum enough.”

At the very edge of the pool, while still standing in the water, I put my elbows on the ceramic overlap of the pool, and prayed to the Lord, “Lord, what is going on?”

As clear as anything, the Lord said to me, “There is a man in the sauna. Go over and talk to him.”

I said to myself, “Is this really the Lord? If there is no one in that sauna, I will know the Lord has not spoken to me. If there is a man but someone else in that sauna, I will also know the Lord has not spoken to me.”

I got out of the pool, and went to the sauna. I peered in through the small window. Sure enough, there was just one man in there. There were not two or more, and there was not none. It was just as the Lord had said.

I went inside, and I talked with the man. Then afterwards, when we were in the men’s change room, I talked with him again, because I knew the Lord wanted me to talk with him, and I wanted to be sure I did it right. So I got to the point where I was able to actually give him a small little pamphlet about Jesus. This small little pamphlet was a pamphlet that was something like “Steps to peace with God,” or something to that effect. It was a little evangelistic pamphlet.

This pamphlet talks about the amazing grace of God shown through Jesus, the Savior of the world, who died for our sins on the cross, and who rose again the third day, proving that he is the Son of God with power and authority to forgive sins. Each of us needs to confess we are sinners, and receive his forgiveness, by faith alone, trusting in Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, so that we might be saved from God’s righteous judgment.

The man expressed sincere thanks for the message I gave to him.

I had done what the Lord told me to do.

I then left and got in my car.

I started to drive out of the parking lot (very slowly) and the Lord interrupted me. It’s hard to explain how he did this, but he briefly interrupted me and motioned for me to go right and not left! It was kind of radical, and very quick.

I stopped the car! I shook my head. I said, “Lord, what?!”

He just did not want me to go left.

I still did not fully “get it.” There was really no way I could have fully “gotten it” without living it through. The Lord was leading me “step-by-step” in what he wanted me to do that day. He did not give me the blueprints for that day. He basically showed me one page at a time — I did not see them in advance.

First, there was the desire to go swimming. I had felt terrible!

Then, there was the directive to stop swimming after only four laps — at which time I felt fine! Amazing!

Then, the directive to speak with the man in the sauna.

Now, a directive to turn right, and not left.

What was going on? The Lord was leading me “step-by-step” and the day was not over. In fact, the biggest part of the day had only just begun.

Everything that had happened was merely a gentle introduction to the “real deal.” The “real deal” was as of yet still in the future. But it would all be over before I reached home. But though I only lived a relatively short 5-minute drive from the pool, that would be still be about an hour-and-a-half away.

The Lord was directing me, but I didn’t know where we were going with all of this. But one thing I did remember, was that we needed a new filing cabinet. This was a simple filing cabinet that I knew I could easily pick up at Walmart. I drove to Walmart. That was just past my house, which was to the right and not to the left.

On the other hand, I sometimes turned to the left when I left the pool, in order to go to the store, where I also might pick up some goodies to take home, as a treat for the family. But the direct route home was to the right.

Walmart itself was beyond that still, by only a very small distance — right past my wife’s workplace, namely, the retirement residence.

It was around Christmas time when all this happened. I turned right, out of the swimming pool parking lot, and went past our street, then right past my wife’s workplace on the right side of the road, then to Walmart on the left, about a 5-minute walk from there, if you were to walk it.

Well, I found the filing cabinet. It would do. It was not a quick purchase. I was probably in Walmart for about 45 minutes. It was now about 7:00-7:30 pm. I got in my car, and headed back home. As I passed by my wife’s workplace on the left, the Lord spoke to me.

“Go in there.”

The dream flooded back.

I had blasted the executive director in the dream, just like my own wife had done on the previous day — yesterday. Was this now round two? Did the Lord want me to “blast” him, too? I didn’t really know.

Dreams are designed to convey a point. What was the point of the dream? Was I really supposed to blast this man? My interpretation of the dream was obviously not quite “spot on,” because here I was, now, having to actually go to my wife’s workplace. Would my wife even approve? It didn’t really matter. Neither did Abraham ask Sarah permission before attempting to sacrifice Isaac.

I parked the car.

I got out.

I went inside.

I noticed there was some type of Christmas event happening in the main lobby, for the elderly residents. It was their annual Christmas party. It was being led by none other than the Executive Director. I had no idea what he looked like. I had never met the man before.

I went up to the main reception, and asked the woman, “Excuse me, but is the Executive Director here?”

She said, “Yes, actually, he’s the MC for our annual Christmas party. Do you want me to get him?”

I said, “Yes, please.”

She went and fetched the Executive Director. He put down his microphone, and someone else took over, and we spoke in a private office which was right next to the main reception.

I said, “I’m so sorry to interrupt your party.”

He said, “No, no, don’t worry about it at all. How can I help you?”

I said, “First, I want to thank you for employing my wife. I really appreciate that. It has been a great blessing to our family.” I then described who my wife was, for they hire many people at that place (probably 30 or 40).

He replied, “Oh, she’s a very good worker. We are so happy to have her.”

Surely, he must have thought about the confrontation he had had with her on the previous day. She had blasted him.

I said, “Thank you very much.” Then, I said, “You know, this might sound strange, but I get dreams sometimes, and sometimes, they actually come true.”

He said a few words to indicate he was listening.

I continued, “Well, as strange as this may sound, I had a dream about you, and I thought I would share it with you.”

Again, he confirmed that he was paying attention.

I said, “Well, I had a dream that there was a problem with this place.”

I noticed that I was not blasting him at all. The words were coming out very softly, and gently, and with full appreciation. I guessed that what the Lord had shown me in the dream was how my wife had spoken to him, but it was not to be the case with the follow-up, which was her husband.

My role was to bring the word very gently, very quietly. Because I did not know him at all, and had never even met him, there was simply no “rapport” by which I felt any leading to speak with any type of harshness.

For it was only a dream, whereas in my wife’s case, she worked there day in and day out, and knew exactly what was going on. So my relationship with him was substantially differently than my wife’s. Thus, I could only speak gently and very quietly to him. Thus, we spoke. It was indeed very non-confrontational. There was no confrontation, at all!

I continued, “There was something the matter, that could even cause death. I don’t know what it was, perhaps it is related to a policy, or improper administration of some medications, or for that matter, a slippery floor that someone could slip on and hurt themselves on.”

(To the reader, please understand that for the elderly, if they slip and fall, their risk of death is substantially higher than a younger-aged person.)

Thus, we spoke, and I shared with him.

He said to me, “At our next staff meeting, I’m going to bring it up and we will discuss it.” In other words, they would discuss safety and procedural issues.

I said, “Thank-you for taking the time to listen to me today. Have a good party.”

I left.

Thus, my crazy prophetic day was now over, and I went home, and I was dismissed from my duties by the Lord.

Now that was interesting!

But what was it really all about?

Well, precisely that. There were indeed some safety issues in that place. The Lord had seen it, and he had also noticed the fact that this man gave no heed to my wife’s words. Otherwise, he would have not given me the dream. So the fact that he actually gave me the dream signified a real problem with his sense of hearing.

What could this possibly mean?

What all this meant was that the issues my wife had discussed with him were of utmost importance to the Lord. Otherwise, the Lord would not have moved swiftly in, less than 24 hours later, and given me that dream.

This man was actually terminated from this job two weeks later, because he failed to listen to what my wife said, and what I said to him. He should have been listening.

Of course, we had nothing to do with his termination. We didn’t control that — but the Lord did.

And now the warning goes out to each person reading this message, are you listening to what the Lord is saying to you? For he is speaking to you.

“The times of ignorance therefore God overlooked. But now he commands that all people everywhere should repent, because he has appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by the man whom he has ordained (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) of which he has given assurance to all men, in that he has raised him from the dead.” (Acts 17:30-31)

For you who believe therefore is the honor, but for those who are disobedient, “The stone which the builders rejected, has become the chief cornerstone,” and, “a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.” (See 1 Peter 2:7-8)

In summary, the Lord is calling you today to put your faith in him. Do not be like that man who was warned several times, but did not listen. Seek the Lord while he may be found. A day is coming when you can no longer find him!

“Seek Yahweh while he may be found. Call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to Yahweh, and he will have mercy on him; and to our God, for he will freely pardon.” (Isaiah 55:6-7)