Tracts (Give-away pamphlets)
Every amazing true story and every teaching on our website is available for free, as a print-it-yourself tract (or give-away pamphlet). These tracts are very convenient, and can be printed on any standard printer! If you can print on a piece of regular letter-sized paper, you can print a Revival Fire tract! It's that easy!
Step 1: Find a publication that you like. Scroll down to the bottom of the publication, and you will see the unlock prompt shown here. To gain access to the free tract, simply input your email address which will automatically subscribe you to our receiver list. Don't worry, we will never spam you or give away your email address, and you can unsubscribe any time you want.†

† Note, if you are already on our receiver list, simply input your email address in the spot provided in the unlock area, and you will not be subscribed again. However, the unlock area will unlock for you!
Here's an example of what you will receive in PDF format:

This is a perfectly formatted PDF file, arranged in such a manner (flipped, and all that), so that when you print it, and fold it exactly three times in half, it turns into a really nice pocket-sized give-away tract (i.e. pamphlet).
You might think, "I don't have a double sided printer" — but that's quite all right. Simply print page 1, and then flip the paper inside your printer, and print page 2. Yes, it might take a few minutes to get the knack of it, but it's worth it, right? (Souls are precious.) Many printers these days (even cheap ones) accommodate double-sided printing, but this is what you would do if you did not have a double-sided printer.
Now, for the end product. Here's is what the end product looks like:

How big are these? They are about 30% larger than the size of a business card. You can fit ten of these into your shirt pocket! People read them! For proof, just read The Call to Evangelize. It's all there in black and white.
Now that was easy, wasn't it?
This puts the power of evangelism right into your own hands — and you don't have to wait for shipping, handling, receiving, paying, and all that. You'll need to add a few drops of ink into your printer, though. Worth it, right? We thought so!