Here's a Great Idea
Make your own evangelistic business card!
I got up one morning, and felt terrible pressure — as though my focus was all wrong. So I did what I do best — sulk in misery ... NOT! I went to the Lord, and asked him why I was feeling such pressure.
The answer came as clear as a whistle. "It's time for you to make an evangelistic business card."
"Yes!" I thought to myself. "That's a great idea!"
Whose ideas was that? Ah, not mine, but the Lord's.
The apostle Paul wrote Timothy, a fellow-preacher, saying,
"I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is going to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom, preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all patience and instruction." (2 Timothy 4:1-2)
In this day and age, how does a person be ready? One way is to create your own evangelistic business card. This business card has served me, and the Lord, very well. And it can serve you, too. Here's what mine looks like (notice it's two-sided).
I ordered 500 of these business cards from (in Canada), and, of course, they have an US office at What did I pay? Only $42 Canadian, including shipping. Yes, they offered me a discount coupon. I think I got about 35% off. You know, these places will spin lots of coupons. If you hunt for it, you may be able to find another one with a similar discount. The quality was excellent — nothing to complain about.
You will notice it has rounded corners. Plus, it's double-sided. So I could have gotten it for about half that price if I had been willing to settle for single-sided, conventional sharp corners.
I wanted this card to really serve a purpose. I wanted it to be more than just a card that I gave away. I wanted it to be fit for the Master's use. Today, God has put the power of evangelistic business cards into your hands. Think about how powerful these can be. These are not the same as tracts. They are different. Sometimes I will give out one of these business cards along with a tract. But at other times, I will just give out the tract. And at other times, I will just give out the card. It really depends on the circumstance.
It's hard to tell you when I would give one of these out, compared with when I would give a tract out. Tracts are really for reaching people directly, with a very specific message, whereas business cards are meant to convey your "business." These business cards are a bit of a surprise. People are expecting some type of worldly business, but I am using this to introduce them to the Savior. It's win/win as far as I'm concerned. (I do not recommend giving these out in the work place.)
Notice I didn't write, "Owner, Operater, CEO, or Boss" and neither did I mention any intials concerning degrees or whatnot. This is a simple but powerful card, that introduces people to the creator of the universe, and provides them with a means (two website addresses) by which they might find out more.
Create your own! Go for it!